Sydney Combined Forces Rugby Football Club (SCFRFC) was formed in 2020 by a small group of veterans, with the intent of bringing veterans and community together and to assist in veteran health and wellbeing.

Through-out a service members career they will be required to move many times, often making it difficult for them and their families to make a connection with their local community. After discharging from defence, members can find the transition periods particularly difficult, the adjustment into a new and different environment completely different to any they have experience before can be challenging and present many problems. They often need to establish a new career and this can dictate where they will settle, often away from extended family and friends. It can be difficult for some veterans to settle into mainstream community, as their previous defence life becomes more distant and they lose touch with their old mates. This can precipitate mental health and wellbeing issues, not only for them but their families. These health and wellbeing issues can be compounded by the fact that they come from a personnel and professional environment inherently different to that experienced by the wider community, as quoted at a seminar
“We are comfortable in our pack and we do better when with likeminded people”.
Through sport, SCFRFC will assist veterans and their families to connect community in a safe, friendly and familiar environment. SCFRFC will assist veterans and their families, in need to connect with the best organisation for their health and wellbeing needs.

- SCFRFC will provide a safe environment with-in a community organisation that will assist veterans and their families to develop and build community relationships.
- To develop sustainable strategies around transitioning, community engagement and veteran health and wellbeing for veterans and their families.
- Develop a veteran sporting and community hub that will allow veterans and their families to participate or contribute through either playing or volunteering.
- To network with and support other veteran and likeminded organisations in their efforts to serve community.
- Support players, volunteers and other participates in the club by providing training and other opportunities in their areas of interest.
- To continue to raise male and female teams comprised of current and ex-serving members that will play in Sydney community competitions.
- Address the issues that are pertinent to veterans transitioning back into civilian life.
- SCFRFC is to ensure that throughout all interactions with veterans, veterans families and veterans organisations that a do no harm policy is applied.
- A minimum of 10% of all merchandising profits is used to fund and support veteran programs and veteran organisations.
- SCFRFC is to support ADF, Police, Corrective Services, Fire Brigade and Ambulance teams to promote health and wellbeing and community involvement.
- There is to be a do no harm policy towards other community organisations and sporting clubs and is to build sustainable relationships with local sporting clubs.
- Teams will comprise of 60% current and ex-serving members and 40% of civilians who have a connection to the military through family or other acceptable form.
With the establishment of a home ground that will become a veteran sporting and community hub SCRFC will:
- In 2021 support veterans men’s and a women’s XV’s team, a golden oldies team, a men’s and women’s rugby 7’s teams.
- Develop a volunteering program for veterans and families that wish to contribute in ways other than playing.
- Support volunteer programs conducted by other veteran organisations.
Raise and support teams in other sports as demand dictates, possibly rugby league and/or netball. - Conduct gala days and exhibition matches with emergency services to raise funds for and awareness of other veteran and emergency service organisations.
- Conduct fitness classes and frontline yoga.
- Support veteran coffee catchups and advocate services.
- Investigate other opportunities to support veterans and their families.
- Network with and support emergency services organisations with their health and wellbeing programs.
SCFRFC will have a sustainable, well managed Health and Wellbeing program as the centre piece of the club. The club will be all inclusive to all members and provide appropriate assistance as required. We will be actively engaged with other veteran organisations and we will take on other sports or other opportunities as determined by our members.